(전) 유카 회장과 (전) 케사 회장이 최근 시작한 스타트업 Yeon Education 에서 채용 공고드립니다. 수평적인 구조를 도입해 강사직 이외에 여러 직책 (UI/UX Designer, Business Development Associate 등) 을 채용할 예정입니다.
현재 Social Media Marketing (무급) 인턴십 직책을 채용중입니다. 졸업 후 취업에 도움 될 수 있도록 이력서에 스타트업 경험과 관련 업무 경험을 기재하실 수 있습니다. 학생 신분도 제약없이 지원 가능합니다. 자세한 직무 내용은 아래 기재되어있는 내용에서 그리고 회사 정보는 yeon.us/career 에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.
Yeon Education is seeking a social media marketing intern to join our team and help drive our growth. As a social media marketing intern, you will manage social media calendars, upload social media posts, and plan future content and ideas to bolster our marketing workflow. Please note that this role is unpaid. However, this is a great opportunity for students who plan to pursue a marketing career and need experience before recruiting for internships or full-time jobs. You will get to experience the day-to-day operation of a start-up and play a vital role in the future growth of Yeon Education. You can apply through yeon.us/career.
Preferred Qualifications
1+ years prior experience in social media or digital marketing
Currently pursuing a major in digital communications or related field such as advertising or journalism
Prior experience in Notion and Slack
Required Qualifications
Minimum college GPA 3.5
Strong writing skills and creative ideas
Excellent communication skills
Organized and self-sufficient
Manage our social media calendar/accounts and post content regularly.
Understand and incorporate the overall values of the company (brand, mission, product goals) into our marketing.
Brainstorm campaign ideas
Monitor our social media analytics to gauge the success of posts, advertisements, and campaigns
Work 6 hours/week excluding weekly meetings with the team
Flexible work schedule either remote or in-person
Free use of our office space for studying and printing
Free snacks and drinks
Meal reimbursements
Ride options available